2018 Cultivating Charismatic Power: Islamic Leadership Practice in China, Palgrave MacMillan, USA. 215 pages.
2016 Soul Singer, screened at Dhaka International Short Film Festival.
2007 Living Chinese Philosophy. Screened at the Hawaii International Film Festival 2007 and Asia Pacific Conference 2007. Distributed in the USA by Insight Media and available through Universities worldwide.
2005 A Vital Force: Women and development in Tibet and Yunnan. Available in University of Otago Library.
2005 A Guide to Beekeeping in the Tropics - Educational video filmed and distributed in Fiji, funded by NZ Aid.
2003 Releasing the Dragon: Small businesses in China's Market Economy. Available in University of Otago Library.
Refereed Journal Articles
2023 The Sound of Salvation. Guangtian Ha. University of Columbia Press. Book Review.
Journal of Religious History (Forthcoming).
2023 Interology and Social Dreaming: A New Approach to Dreaming in Psychological Anthropology in Prospects: Futures of Psychological Anthropology. Ethos: Journal of Psychological Anthropology, Special Issue.
2022 Chinese Qadiriyya Sufism: Glimpses into a syncretic practice. Waikato Islamic Studies Review (Forthcoming).
2021 Anderson, V., Cone, T., Rafferty, R., & Inoue, N. Mobile agency and relational webs in women's narratives of international study. Higher Education. Advance online publication.
2020 Narratives of Navigation: Refugee-Background Women’s Higher Education Journeys in Bangladesh and New Zealand. Anderson, V; Cone, T; Inoue, N; Rafferty, R. Sites: A Journal of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies. Vol 17, No 1.
2017 Sounding the Soul: Mysticism and Music on Film, The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology (TAPJA).
2015 Experimental Film and Anthropology, The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology, Issue 16/3 June 2015.
2014 Communities of Complicity, The China Journal, No. 72, July 2014.
Book Chapters
2022 Teaching from the Heart: Trauma and Affective Pedagogies in Trauma Informed Pedagogy in Indigenous Communities in Skibba, C (Ed.), Gender Based Violence and Pedagogy, Emerald Publishing.
2019 The Worlding of Words: Post-monolingual education at the Asian University for Women. In V. Anderson & H. Johnson (Eds.), Migration, education and translation: Cross- disciplinary perspectives on human mobility and cultural encounters in education settings. Abingdon: Routledge.
2017 Islam: Saints and Sacred Geographies: China, entry in Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cultures, Brill USA.
2017 City of Saints: Linxia as the ‘centre’ of Qadiriyya Sufism in Northwest China, in Hsun Chang & Benjamin Penny (eds.), Religion in Taiwan and China : Locality and Transmission, Taipei, Academia Sinica, Institute of Ethnology, 2017.
2014 Journeys of knowledge: the role of a Chinese Sufi gongbei in generating mobility between China and Iran, in Religion and Mobility in a Globalising Asia: New Ethnographic Explorations, Edited by Sinwen Lau and Nanlai Cao. Routledge Press.